Ten documentary family photographs from 2022

“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” -Oscar Wilde

This is the year we came out of the pandemic. I moved my family across the country from Oregon to Michigan. Building our lives in Grand Rapids has been like coming home. I was born and raised in the midwest but honestly never though I would call it home again. Sometimes life surprises you and it feels just right. I look forward to building my client base here in Grand Rapids and sharing the beauty of your real lives.

The partially toothless, upside down laughing grin of a seven year old girl. Tickles from dad while he sneaks outside for a twenty minute break from work. Brief moments in an otherwise busy and mundane day. Dad’s mind might still be elsewhere, on his work. But the moment he snuck away to spend with his daughter gifted her a bit of pure love and joy. With this photo, dad can see the love he brings even in those brief encounters.

Two year olds. They require so much of your presence and energy. They are infinitely curious but still need you for your guidance and their safety. I remember the dance of wanting to give them all the independence but also terrified to let them go too far alone. I love the way mama’s fingers are intertwined with her little one’s. Her daughter is brave and ready to go down the tall slide on her own, but mama is there, just in case.

Details. I love making photos of details in your home. Items that may start to feel like clutter are pure treasure to me as a documentary photographer. These are the things that you don’t ever think to photograph, things that will probably end up in the garbage, yet offer such cherished glimpses into a fleeting time of your lives.

Happy 4th Birthday to my daughter, Lulu! She is pictured with all the gifts she received for her birthday. With grandparents’ gifts included, it was honestly like a mini-Christmas, and I think she was overwhelmed by all the stuff! She was having sort of a post-birthday-hype melancholic moment. It was rather darling.

All the mornings! Early mornings are something we come to know quite intimately as parents of little ones. Morning person or not, this has become your reality. I made this photo as a glimpse of simplicity and peace amongst all the chaos the mornings bring.

These sisters dressed up like princesses for breakfast. They are eating in disposable bowls as their entire kitchen is under construction. Mom mentioned that her middle child is her big eater. She is small and often mysteriously reserved, but she can pack it in. Many details in one photo to tell a story of this moment in time.

I also offer documentary newborn photo sessions. (Fresh 48 or within the first week or month.) I can make photos of mom in her element, breastfeeding baby, the dynamic between new baby and any siblings, the details in the nursery or around the home. The best part is you do not need to clean up. You can come just as you are.

Coming out of her hiding spot during a game of hide and seek. A timeless moment.

This is my son, Sebastian. I caught him out in the garage sneaking a bag of Cheetos that I told him he could not have at the moment. I found him just so. Living his best life, Cheetos fingers and all…

For the last photo, I was going between a photo of legos and a photo of a toes. We’ve all seen enough legos in our lives. So here is a photo of toes. Because little tiny toes are the cutest, and we should take as many photos of little tiny toes while we can.

Thank you to all of the families who invited me into your homes to capture a ‘Day in the Life’ in 2022!

Joanna Grossi Photography


Life with baby Emary


A fall morning with the Campbells